I am Amber Bedford, and I am talent-less! Follow my ever-growing impossible and down right cringey journey to find my talent!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Week Eleven - THE SKI TRIP day 1-2

Before I tell the story of one of the best weeks of my life, I will tell you now that I will do it no justice; you simply just had to be there.

Day 1

I will start at the beginning (that’s were most stories begin) and paint the picture with 80 students, a beer pong table, a horse’s head and a lot of prisoners jumpsuits. With the majority of us only having a few hours’ sleep the night before due to over excitement and/or dissertation deadlines, the atmosphere was buzzing – we were like a group of excitable school children only minus the morals and additional alcohol.

Our ‘Health & Safety’ chat consisted off ‘go hard or go home’ and ‘make sure you don’t get chucked off the ferry.’ With this in mind, the 2 bottles of lukewarm wine in my hand luggage had never been so appropriate.
Piling onto the coach and pushing our way to the back of the coach (I’m 21 and still need to be at the back of the bus) we set off on our 24 hour journey to Val Thorens.

The sing-alongs ranged from Dolly Parton to Queen and the toilet broke about a third of the way into the journey but the majority of us were too drunk to care. However, the drunkness became a slight burden when we arrived at Dover and onto the ferry. I’m not exaggerating when I say that people were literally walking in Z’s throughout the ferry and it was not very comforting to hear the ferry staff tell us that the waves were 8/10 bad! Lots of heads overboard!

Day 2

Unfortunately the journey continued for the majority of day 2, however we were sobering up, in a now day old, wine coated jumpsuit and on the wrong side of the road.
I personally have never been skiing and being from the Fenlands, have rarely seen mountains, especially snow coated one. I would say that the spectacular views kept me entertained for the climb up to Val Thorens, but unfortunately the fact that THE SPIRALLING, BARRIER-LESS ROAD WAS ON THE EDGE OF THE MOUNTAIN resided me to downing beer at the back of the bus with my eyes shut.
After 24 hours, we finally made it. It was dark, but it was beautiful.

The shower I had after moving into my new home for the next week, made me feel like a new person and the altitude made my hair feel fantastic (more on the altitude later.)
The fancy dress for tonight: BCU Tigers! 

After downing about a quarter of a bottle of vodka and feeling hammered (thank you altitude) we made our way to the 'Yeti' bar. Upon opening the doors we were greeted with a wave of sweat in the air and Dutch men, a frightful combination. 
The highlight of the night? Clocking the 'Show your nipple, get a free shot' sign. How many did I get? 4.

Check back tomorrow to read about days 3-4!

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