I am Amber Bedford, and I am talent-less! Follow my ever-growing impossible and down right cringey journey to find my talent!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Week Eleven - THE SKI TRIP day 5-6

Day 5

After sleeping for around 20 hours, I was feeling a lot better and ready to get out and onto the slopes!
As previously mentioned, the last time I had been on the slopes was a bit of a disaster and I was determined to not let this happen again!
However my confidence was in pieces, so I decided to spend the morning back on the nursery slopes. After I stopped freaking out, it started to go very well, I was building my confidence back up and having fun with it. This was until, I noticed me and my friend had a stalker.


This man in the picture above was literally following me and my friend for about an hour. Whenever we stopped, he stopped. Whenever we went down the slopes, he followed.
After about half an hour of this, I went on strike and refused to move until he had left us alone and luckily 20 minutes later it seemed he had given up and buggered off. Thinking it was safe to move again, we went down the slope only to find HE WAS AT THE BOTTOM WAITING FOR US!
Our strike had not worked, so instead we ran away from him.

At around 3pm we made our way up to a green slope via a chair lift and went on our way to Après ski at Bar 360! For those of you who don't know, Après ski is basically one big party after skiing.
This was literally like being at the best party ever at 4 in the afternoon. Everyone there was up on their feet and there were so many confetti cannons going off, that I am still to this day finding pieces in everything I own.

Many expensive pints and a lots of snow boot dancing later we made our way over to the restaurant for our 'mountain meal.' After so far living off noodles and pain au chocolats it was quite a relief to see real food! And a steak fondue at that!
Even though we were sharing portions between 6 people, everyone was so starved that we didn't hold back and had eaten everything in around 10 minutes!

With an extra bottle of wine demolished, I thought this extra dutch courage would bring me down the mountain with ease. Unfortunately, yet again, not the case. I was the last person off the mountain and in my tipsy state it took an additional 3 people and a lot of pole pulling to get me down.

Day 6

Today we woke up to this view! This was going to be a very good day!

Dragging our poorly, tired, near broken bodies out to the slopes we immediately hit the chair lift to have a packed lunch on top of the mountain.

I was determined today to become an excellent skier and so every time I became nervous I started to sing 'baby monkey riding backwards on a pig' and I tell you what, it worked! I only fell over once and that was from just standing still.
Today also consisted of my friend skiing into a pole (hilarious), sunbathing at Bar 360 (lush) and watching another friend spend about 10 minutes getting her ski's on.

Tonight's fancy dress: Gender swap.

It is a rarity that I find myself speechless, but tonight was something else.

We had beards, we had kitten heels, we had socks stuffed into bras and into pants, we had faces full of make up.
We had more wigs than than a group of drag queens.
The only way to properly describe this night was a 'crossed dressed cluster fuck'
To make the night even more messed up we had lady men snogging man ladies and French men buying me drinks! I now know the way to every French man's heart!

And then we had this!

Check tomorrow's post out to hear about the last 2 days of the trip!

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