I am Amber Bedford, and I am talent-less! Follow my ever-growing impossible and down right cringey journey to find my talent!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Week Ten - Packing (Pre Ski Trip)

A couple months ago, I mentioned that I had booked myself onto my universities annual ski trip to Val Thorens in the French Alps.
Well, would you believe it, tomorrow I head off!

Also after three to four weeks of absolute hell, the pain in the arse we call a dissertation has been handed in today!
I literally couldn't of asked for better timing.

With life back on resume, I have one night to do a lot of packing!

We meet up tomorrow at the Student Union at 4pm and head from Birmingham to Dover for a 3am ferry, due at Val Thorens at 5pm the next day.
I am going to be so drunk, I might forget who I am.

Here's a little peeping Tom tour of what I'm packing!

 My trusty speakers. Our room will be the partaaaay room!

My food shop. For the week ;)

  A selection of my many hats.

     My helmet. HEALTH N' SAFETY KIDS!

 Lots of warm slouchy trousers.
Every single pair of socks I own.

Some of my fancy dress attire! The jumpsuit is my travelling outfit!

Talent Rating - I'll let you guys rate me on this one on this picture alone...

WARNING: Next weeks post, i.e. post ski trip, will be crazy. Please mentally prepare yourself.

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