I am Amber Bedford, and I am talent-less! Follow my ever-growing impossible and down right cringey journey to find my talent!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Week Ten - Packing (Pre Ski Trip)

A couple months ago, I mentioned that I had booked myself onto my universities annual ski trip to Val Thorens in the French Alps.
Well, would you believe it, tomorrow I head off!

Also after three to four weeks of absolute hell, the pain in the arse we call a dissertation has been handed in today!
I literally couldn't of asked for better timing.

With life back on resume, I have one night to do a lot of packing!

We meet up tomorrow at the Student Union at 4pm and head from Birmingham to Dover for a 3am ferry, due at Val Thorens at 5pm the next day.
I am going to be so drunk, I might forget who I am.

Here's a little peeping Tom tour of what I'm packing!

 My trusty speakers. Our room will be the partaaaay room!

My food shop. For the week ;)

  A selection of my many hats.

     My helmet. HEALTH N' SAFETY KIDS!

 Lots of warm slouchy trousers.
Every single pair of socks I own.

Some of my fancy dress attire! The jumpsuit is my travelling outfit!

Talent Rating - I'll let you guys rate me on this one on this picture alone...

WARNING: Next weeks post, i.e. post ski trip, will be crazy. Please mentally prepare yourself.

Monday 11 March 2013

Week Nine - Tie Dye

Once upon a time, the only people to wear tie dye were ‘free spirited’, hippy wannabes and 8 year olds with cheap parents. Now you can’t walk by a vintage shop or an ironically cool club without seeing at least 8 hipsters sporting some kind of tie dye garment.

However, due to being poor, I haven’t bought new clothes in about 4 weeks and am now bored of everything in my wardrobe, so this week I'm giving it a go.

I begin with a basket full of bleach, a concerned looking checkout assistant and some very awkward ‘addict’ jokes from me. 
After the most embarrassing shopping purchases ever (and I've once tried to explain why I'd bought baby oil, wine and a screwdriver at the same time) I headed back home to get my tie dye on.

Picking out a bright orange (some would say amber) coloured t shirt that hasn't been worn since I thought I could pull off the colour, I set to tying my bands to my top.
There are a few different ways you can tie your tops depending on what 'look' you want to achieve.

- Pebble dash - Using different sized and shaped stones tie them in different places on your top securing them with bands.
- Lined - Roll your top either horizontal and vertical (depending on what stripe looks better on you), tie your bands securely up the roll between relatively similar spaces.
- Spiral - The classic look for you tie dyers! Pinch the middle of your top (around the chest area) and scrunch it into a roll. Securely tie as many bands as you want down the roll.

Put your top in a plastic bowl or container (probably something you're not going to eat out of) and squirt bleach over them. I used around half a bottle of toilet bleach and left for about 15 minutes.
When you're happy with your colour, take it out and rinse the top under warm water basically until you can be bothered.

Talent rating - 7/10 not sure if I was relatively good at this or if I was just high from bleach...

The end product!

Afterthought: How on earth do I wash this? Can I put it in the washing machine?

Monday 4 March 2013

Week Eight - Photography

It’s fair to say that I am a part of the generation that believes because I have a snazzy smartphone and an Instagram account, I am a photographer. Everyone is allowed one cliché in their life.

Also, this week has mostly revolved around being in the library dissertation-ing shit up and there are not many talents you can practise in the library without being thrown out by the extremely bored looking security staff.

I have a small bit of experience with photography. As a part of my BTEC in media, I did a module in photography, so I can safely say I know which way round landscape and portrait are, but that is probably where my knowledge ends. 

For the most part I use Instagram to make a half decent picture of myself, look a little bit better by changing the effects therefore completely changing my face (we all do it!)

However this week, I've decided to stop taking selfies and start snapping some shots of cool things.

Let me know what you think of them!

Talent Rating - 6/10 not quite David Bailey!


Don't be stealing my pictures please, else I'll have to sue you.