I am Amber Bedford, and I am talent-less! Follow my ever-growing impossible and down right cringey journey to find my talent!

Monday 4 February 2013

Week Four - Flip Cup

After a very active past couple of weekends, I thought I’d take it easy this time round and concentrate on something a little less energetic.
As a third year student, I find myself spending more and more time reminiscing about the past 3 years and everything I've learnt.

My specialist subject: Drinking games.

From ‘fucking the bus’ to revealing way too much about myself in ‘ I've never’, I've tried them all. For the majority, all you need is the ability to down any concoction of drink and a dab of luck, but there is one game that requires some level of talent.
Flip Cup.

Most likely started in America (they love plastic cups out there), flip cup has most definitely been played by every student alive. If you are a student and reading this having not played this game, then firstly be embarrassed of yourself and secondly get prepared to play TONIGHT (that dissertation can wait.)

Flip cup requires a minimum of 6 players, but always needs an even number of people.  When you have your players, nominate 2 team captains, who get to pick out who they want on their team (make sure they don’t go too power crazy.) Each player has a plastic cup which they must fill halfway with a drink of their choice. 

Set your teams up in a formation just like the diagram above. Upon the sound of the klaxon, or someone simply shouting GO, the first players of each team must down their drinks and place their cup upside down on the edge of the table. You must then flip the cup until it lands upside down on the table, as soon as one player does this the next player can have their go and this carries on throughout the team. The winning team is the one who finishes first - simple.
What do you win, I hear you say. Well, except from pride and the right to do the celebration dance (we all have one) , the winning team decides on a forfeit for the losing team.

Here's a list of potential forfeits for you to choose from:
- Down your drink (bit boring)
- Do 10 press ups (only worth it if it's a guy who has guns the size of cannons)
- Deduction of clothes (see above)
- Dirty pint (only good if you add mayonnaise to it)
- Making the losing team your bitches (slavery/human rights issues)

Talent rating - 7/10 and getting better with every flip

Top Tips

- Don't play this with glass cups, explains itself really
- If you're on the losing team, then don't get too down on yourself, you'll end up paying less on drinks in the club later
- Make sure you are prepared to consume one of these the next morning

Disclaimer: To cover myself legally, remember drinking is BAD!

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